


JWt vs Wt performance benchmarks

Added by Thim Anneessens over 13 years ago

Hello everybody,

I've started with JWt because its awesome and because i've forgotten so much about C in the last years that I was unable to use Wt :).

Aldo I have absolutly no performance issues with JWt, I was wondering how much performance difference there is between JWt and its elder brother.

Are there any benchmarks or theoretical estimations of the differences in performances? Both for memory and CPU time.

Because when I come to think of it I don't see any reason for using C rather than Java in this day and age other than performance.

Well, I think that these are the kind of questions that always sparks interestings and passionated debates up, so I am eager to see the replies :).

Best regards,


Replies (2)

RE: JWt vs Wt performance benchmarks - Added by Koen Deforche over 13 years ago

Hey Thim,

We found that JWt is about 2x slower than a Wt release build, and slightly faster than a Wt debug build. CPU time performance is thus on its own certainly no reason to consider C over Java. Incidently, this is about the same as what other projects found which implemented Java clones of existing C/C tools (like JGit versus git). There is a large difference on memory footprint and flash footprint which makes C clearly the better choice on an embedded device. We did not try to quantify these numbers however.

That said, I would be happy to see some real benchmarks which quantify this better.



RE: JWt vs Wt performance benchmarks - Added by Thim Anneessens over 13 years ago

Wow 2 times slower. Well I guess that in a web environement where the real time consumers are network and I/O this is not an issue.

Its true that it would be interesting to see a memory footprint test but seeing that I am running on a big fat server, the 200k/400k memory usage per session is not to much of a worry :).

Thanks for the info Koen.

Best regards,

