


Bug #663 » FilesUpload.h

Zhimin Song, 01/01/2011 10:36 AM

// =====================================================================================
// Filename: FilesUpload.h
// Description:
// Version: 1.0
// Created: 2010年07月19日 17时06分04秒
// Revision: none
// Compiler: g++
// Author: 宋志民 (Song Zhi-Min),
// Company: 希科系统开发小组(CxServer Development Team)
// =====================================================================================


#include <WCompositeWidget>
#include <WContainerWidget>
#include <WTable>

#include "Option.h"
#include "File.h"
#include "FileUploadItem.h"

class FileUploadItem;

using namespace Wt;
using namespace Cs;

* @addtogroup utils

/*! \class FilesUpload FilesUpload.h "utils/FilesUpload.h"
* \brief A files upload widget for uploading files as necessary.
class FilesUpload : public WCompositeWidget {


/*! \brief Creates a file upload widget with min and max files.
* we should be sure that min_ >= 0 and max_ >= 1 and min_ <= max_, otherwise it will does not work correctly.
* if min_ = 0, that means this is !mandatory, the constructor will just create only one FileUploadItem,
* and furthermore, it is hidden, which is shown by clicked() of uploadFile_ option. This indeed does not
* need user have to upload some files.
* else min_ > 0 (min_>=1), that means this is mandatory for user who must upload at least min_ files,
* the constructor will create (min_+1) FileUploadItem, in which the last one is prepared, hidden for
* uploading more, at the same time the others are shown and hiding their cancel button(because they are
* mandatory).
* \note min_ must be less than or equal to max_!
FilesUpload(int min, int max, WContainerWidget *parent = 0);

/*! \brief Destructor, deletes the tmp files.

/*! \brief Returns the files uploaded.
std::vector<File> files() const;

/*! \brief Returns whether upload done.
bool uploadDone();

private slots:

/*! \brief Uploads another one.
* This function mainly starts to a new FileUploadItem, surely when the number of FileUploadItem <= max_;
* \note this number is always more than max_ by 1.
* So, when the number equals (max_+1), uploadOtherFile_ option will hide, and the last FileUploadItem
* will hide also, which is never used.
void uploadMore();

/*! \brief Cancels the file upload, i.e. removes the given FileUploadItem.
void cancelFileItem(FileUploadItem *fileItem);

/*! \brief Removes the file uploaded.
void removeFileItem(FileUploadItem *fileItem);

/*! \brief Updates the widget after cancelFileItem() or removeFileItem().
* \note This function is used always after deleting the fileItem, so rest sum of FileUploadItem can directly
* compare with min_ and max_(in thinking).
* if min_ = 0, when the rest sum is 1, we should go back to the initial status, hide the uploadOtherFile_
* and show the uploadFile_; if rest sum > 1, we just update the text rest number of uploadOtherFile_ and
* be sure uploadOtherFile_ is shown.
* else min_ > 0 (min_ >= 1), when the rest sum == min_, we must be sure there are min_ FileUploadItem are
* shown and hideCancel(). So this time, we must show the min_(th) one and uploadMore() to prepare one.
* if rest sum > min_, we just update the text rest number of uploadOtherFile_ and be sure uploadOtherFile_
* is shown.
void update();

/*! \brief Clears the container and files.
* \sa FilesManager
void clear();


/*! \brief Creates the files upload widget.
void createUi();

/*! \brief Deletes(unlink) the tmp files.
void deltmp();

int min_;
int max_;
WContainerWidget *layout_;
WTable *edits_;
Option *uploadFile_;
Text *uploadOtherFile_;
int filesPending_;
int filesFailed_;

std::vector<FileUploadItem *> files_;

friend class FileUploadItem;
friend class FilesManager;

#endif // FILES_UPLOAD_H_