


Bug #663 » FileUploadItem.h

Zhimin Song, 01/01/2011 10:36 AM

// =====================================================================================
// Filename: FileUploadItem.h
// Description:
// Version: 1.0
// Created: 2010年07月19日 17时06分42秒
// Revision: none
// Compiler: g++
// Author: 宋志民 (Song Zhi-Min),
// Company: 希科系统开发小组(CxServer Development Team)
// =====================================================================================


#include <WContainerWidget>
#include <WFileUpload>

#include "FilesUpload.h"
#include "Option.h"
#include "File.h"

class FilesUpload;

using namespace Wt;
using namespace Cs;

* @addtogroup utils

/*! \class FileUploadItem FileUploadItem.h "utils/FileUploadItem.h"
* \brief A file upload item widget(a basic upload unit). This class is revised from AttachmentEdit
* of Wt's composer example.
* \image html FileUploadItem.png "A FileUploadItem work mechanism"

class FileUploadItem : public WContainerWidget {

/*! \brief Creates a file upload item.
FileUploadItem(FilesUpload *container, WContainerWidget *parent = 0);

/*! \brief Return whether this item NEEDs to be uploaded NOW.
bool uploadNow();

/*! \brief Returns whether this item uploading failed.
bool uploadFailed() const { return uploadFailed_; }

/*! \brief Returns the file item(which has been successfully uploaded?).
File file();

public slots:

/*! \brief Hides the cancel button.
* One situation is file has been spooled, another is if the file upload is mandatory.
void hideCancel();

private slots:
/*! \brief Slot triggered when the WFileUpload completed an upload.
void uploaded();
/*! \brief Slot triggered when the WFileUpload received an oversized file.
void fileTooLarge(int size);

/*! \brief Slot triggered when the users wishes to cancel this file upload item.
void cancel();

/*! \brief Slot triggered when the users wishes to remove this uploaded file.
void remove();

FilesUpload *container_;
WFileUpload *upload_;
Option *cancel_;
Text *uploaded_;
Option *remove_;
Text *error_;
bool uploadFailed_;

std::string fileName_;
std::string tmpFileName_;
std::string spoolDirFileName_;
std::wstring contentDescription_;