


Application freezes while using WTimer and opening WDialog

Added by Yannick Lohrmann almost 5 years ago

Hi All,

I am creating a WT web application where the simplification of the code looks like the following:

ExampleWidget::ExampleWidget(WContainerWidget *parent)

: WContainerWidget(parent)


_timer = new WTimer();




_dialog = new WDialog();

// in this dialog you can chose some options ( but not that important)


Sometimes when I open the dialog the application just freezes. But when I disable the timer it never freezes and the dialog can be used all the time.

When I opened the source code in the webbrowser and opened the dialog when timer is running it stops like shown in the image.

I can see that text = null, so it seems normal that it crashes.

Has anyone encountered this problem and is there a solution for this or is this a bug in Wt ?

Kind regards,


Replies (1)

RE: Application freezes while using WTimer and opening WDialog - Added by Yannick Lohrmann almost 5 years ago

The image doesn't seem to load but what the image should show was the source code:

function toUnicodeSelection(selection, text) {

var i;

var start = selection.start;

var end = selection.end;

for (i = 0; i < text.length; ++i) {

if (i >= selection.start && i >= selection.end)

return {start: start, end: end};

if (isHighSurrogate(text.charCodeAt(i)) &&

(i + 1) < text.length &&

isLowSurrogate(text.charCodeAt(i + 1))) {

if (i < selection.start)


if (i < selection.end)




return {start: start, end: end};


Where there was the following error in the first loop : Unable to get property 'length' of undefined or null reference
