


I cant set the with of columns of a WTableView widget

Added by Peter Müller almost 7 years ago


I got a problem with WTableView and column width

I have a WTableView and I want to set the column with but it seems to be ignored.

I tried to find the problem, and it seems the css code generated by Wt is wrong.

Most probably I do something wrong that leads to this css code, but I cant find it!

I have a screenshot (image1_browser-screen.jpg) attached, that shows the result in the browser and the resulting css as it is sent to the browser in two other screenshots where I made the width settings.

The Table width is set correct in the outer div>, but then it is set to the default for a 3 column table in the inner div>.

This can be seen in the attached file html-css1.jpg

The column width settings my code does are ignored and the default width is used.

This can be seen in the attached file html-css2.jpg

Here is an excerpt of my code that builds the layout:

// At first the general application framework:

root ()->setStyleClass ("applicationRoot");
Wt::WVBoxLayout *rootVBox = new Wt::WVBoxLayout ();
root ()->setLayout (rootVBox);
rootVBox->setSpacing (0);
rootVBox->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0);

Wt::WContainerWidget *kopfzeile = new Wt::WContainerWidget ();
rootVBox->addWidget (kopfzeile);

applikationsStack = new Wt::WStackedWidget ();
rootVBox->addWidget (applikationsStack, 1);

Wt::WContainerWidget *fusszeile = new Wt::WContainerWidget ();
rootVBox->addWidget (fusszeile);

for (size_t i = 0;i < applikationsVektor.size ();i++) {

        if (!applikationsVektor [i].compare ("app0")) {

                EWApp0 *app0 = new EWHauptMenue ();
                applikationsStack->addWidget (app0);

        ... repeated for each top level application

kopfzeileMenue->setCurrentIndex (0);
applikationsStack->setCurrentIndex (menuIndex);

// Now the main menu for the application:

EWHauptMenue::EWHauptMenue (WContainerWidget *parent) : Wt::WContainerWidget (parent) {

        zugangsVerwaltungTabWidget = new Wt::WTabWidget (this);

        benutzerTab = new EWBenutzer ();
        zugangsVerwaltungTabWidget->addTab (
                Wt::WString::tr ("EWEinstellungen_EWHauptMenue_tab_label_benutzer"),


// Now the Subapplication:

EWBenutzer::EWBenutzer (WContainerWidget *parent) : Wt::WContainerWidget (parent) {

        formStack = new Wt::WStackedWidget (this);

        formBenutzerListe      = new EWBenutzerListe      (formStack);
        formBenutzerBearbeiten = new EWBenutzerBearbeiten (formStack);

// And the list display:

EWBenutzerListe::EWBenutzerListe (WContainerWidget *parent) : Wt::WContainerWidget (parent) {

        this->setId ("EWBenutzerListe");

        Wt::WVBoxLayout *formVBox = new Wt::WVBoxLayout ();
        formVBox->setSpacing (10);
        this->setLayout (formVBox);

        Wt::WText *ueberschrift = new Wt::WText (Wt::WText::tr ("EWEinstellungen_EWBenutzerListe_liste_ueberschrift"));
        ueberschrift->addStyleClass ("h1");
        formVBox->addWidget (ueberschrift, 1, Wt::AlignLeft);

        Wt::WContainerWidget *formListe = new Wt::WContainerWidget ();
        formListe->setId ("formListe");
        formListe->resize (Wt::WLength ("0"), Wt::WLength ("1"));
        formVBox->addWidget (formListe);
        Wt::WHBoxLayout *formListeHBox = new Wt::WHBoxLayout ();
        formListe->setLayout (formListeHBox);

        benutzerListeModel = new EWBenutzerListeModel (this);
        benutzerListeView  = new Wt::WTableView       ();
        benutzerListeView->setModel (benutzerListeModel);
        benutzerListeView->setId ("BenutzerListe");

        benutzerListeView->setColumnResizeEnabled       (false);
        benutzerListeView->setHeaderAlignment           (0, Wt::AlignCenter);
        benutzerListeView->setColumnAlignment           (0, Wt::AlignRight);
        benutzerListeView->setColumnAlignment           (1, Wt::AlignLeft);
        benutzerListeView->setColumnAlignment           (2, Wt::AlignLeft);
        benutzerListeView->setAlternatingRowColors      (true);
        benutzerListeView->setRowHeight                 (28);
        benutzerListeView->setHeaderHeight              (28);
        benutzerListeView->setSelectionMode             (Wt::SingleSelection);
        benutzerListeView->setEditTriggers              (Wt::WAbstractItemView::NoEditTrigger);
        *benutzerListeView->setWidth                     (200 + 7 + 250 + 7 + 400 + 7 + 2);
        benutzerListeView->setColumnWidth               (0, 200);
        benutzerListeView->setColumnWidth               (1, 250);
        benutzerListeView->setColumnWidth               (2, 400);*

        formListeHBox->addWidget (benutzerListeView);
        formListeHBox->addStretch (1);

        Wt::WPushButton *buttonNeu = new Wt::WPushButton (Wt::WText::tr ("EWEinstellungen_EWBenutzerListe_liste_button_neu"));
        this->addWidget (buttonNeu);


What's wrong? i can't find it.

Thank you for every hint to solve this!

image1_browser-screen.jpg (49.3 KB) image1_browser-screen.jpg This is how the table is displayed by firefox
html-css1.jpg (162 KB) html-css1.jpg here is the html and css where the table and header with is set (wrong!)
hml-css2.jpg (165 KB) hml-css2.jpg Here is the html and css where the column with ist set (wrong!)

Replies (1)

RE: I cant set the with of columns of a WTableView widget - Added by Peter Müller almost 7 years ago


I found out, that the problem occurs, when the Model Content is changed.

After each change I must reset the column with etc. in the view.

What's the correct way to handle changes in the model content in this model-view scenario ?
