


Wt4 - Bug with WMediaPlayer

Added by Jeremy Brisko over 6 years ago

Hey All

I had a weird issue where a bunch of my JQuery plugins stopped working. Through digging I realized that I had 2 JQuery libraries loading. I load one in my application with requireJQuery. I am also using progressive bootstrap which causes the WApplication::ajax() function to return false in the beginning of the application launch. The WMediaPlayer on line 129 checks for ajax and if it's not there it loads it's own JQuery library from the resources which causes it to load 2 JQuery libraries. I believe we should have some other check there for if jQuery is already loaded or not.


Replies (1)

RE: Wt4 - Bug with WMediaPlayer - Added by Jeremy Brisko over 6 years ago

As a side note, I added && !app.customJQuery() to the condition and it works correctly in progressive bootstrap mode.
