


WTable click on selected rows

Added by Pedro Vicente 11 months ago

I have a WTable and I want to respond on a lick on a given row

implementing the clicked() function applies to the all widget

is it possible to find which row was selected?

or do I have to implement a clicked() response for each row (and how? )

m_table_messages = box_right->addWidget(std::make_unique<Wt::WTable>());
m_table_messages->resize(1000, Wt::WLength::Auto);
m_table_messages->clicked().connect(this, &NostroApplication::table_show);

Replies (2)

RE: WTable click on selected rows - Added by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 11 months ago

Hi Pedro,

Here in the documentation you can see (in the inheritance graph) which classes inherit the clicked() signal.
If you want to have a signal for each row, you would need to place a widget for each row that has a clicked() signal. (e.g. WContainerWidget).

Alternatively, there is a WTableView, which can be used to select items from a model, and offers the selectionChanged() method.

RE: WTable click on selected rows - Added by Pedro Vicente 11 months ago

Hi Matthias

thanks, this works

 Wt::WText* t = m_table_messages->elementAt(m_row, 0)->addNew<Wt::WText>(str);
        t->setText("Hello there");
