


require js file

Added by egor bayanov about 5 years ago


I encountered the following problem: I am trying to load JS using WApplication::require if the path looks like this: "www/js/jquery-3.1.1.min.js" - the file is loading correctly. However, this url: "/www/vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js" does not load the file, but instead loads 404 page. Are there any ways to solve this problem?


Replies (2)

RE: require js file - Added by lm at about 5 years ago

Are you using wthttpd? What is the output you attempt the access?

You'll want to make sure you're serving the file properly. This will include correct configuration of your --doc-root and --deploy-path.

RE: require js file - Added by egor bayanov about 5 years ago

hello, im at

Yes, I use wthttpd. Your advice to check ---docroot helped a lot. Did not specify the required directory. Thank you for your prompt reply and your help.

Sincerely, Egor
