


Changes to Refresh handling from 3.1.9 to latest git?

Added by B Sorensen almost 13 years ago

Under wt 3.1.9 I could perform a fairly simple test, where F5 (refresh) is pressed when a dialog box is open, and the dialog survived ok. With latest git it no longer seems to work - under IE I get some script errors, and Firefox just ends in a greyed out version of the web page, where the dialog box still seems to block, but is no longer visible.

It has been like this for a little while on latest git, but I'm not sure exactly when it stopped working after the 3.1.9 release.

Errors seen in IE are:

Line: 224 Error: Object expected

Line: 194 Error: Object doesn't support this property or method

Some code samples below.

Button is just added like this:

WPushButton* bTest = new WPushButton();



bTest->clicked().connect(SLOT (this, configurePanel::testFunction));


The testFunction callback is:

void configurePanel::testFunction()


// Test modal dialog refresh

WDialog* tDialog = new WDialog("Testing modal refresh");


new WBreak(tDialog->contents());

new WText("Check refresh (F5) of modal dialog.",tDialog->contents());

new WBreak(tDialog->contents());

new WBreak(tDialog->contents());

WPushButton bStop("Stop testing", tDialog->contents());

bStop.clicked().connect(tDialog, &WDialog::accept);

if (tDialog->exec() == WDialog::Accepted)

statusMessage->showMessage("Testing done accept", StatusMessage::Information, 5000);


statusMessage->showMessage("Testing done", StatusMessage::Information, 5000);


Replies (2)

RE: Changes to Refresh handling from 3.1.9 to latest git? - Added by Koen Deforche almost 13 years ago


This should be fixed with the latest git update.



RE: Changes to Refresh handling from 3.1.9 to latest git? - Added by B Sorensen almost 13 years ago


I just did a quick retest on latest git, and so far it looks like it's fixed ok regarding the issues I saw earlier.


