



Added by Tiaan Wessels almost 10 years ago


I am trying out wt-3.3.3 and with my test app, it seems the widgets are truncated in the vertical direction as the screenshot shows. I have made a symbolic link to wt-3.3.3-rc1/resources in my current directory (which I also use as the document root when I start my app with ---docroot . ---http-address ---http-port 8080)

Is there anything else I need to do to get this appearing correct ?


Replies (5)

RE: Truncated - Added by Koen Deforche almost 10 years ago


Can you show how you instantiate the date edit? It seems that it's height is being limited, which could be from your own CSS or from within C.

The height of a line edit with bootstrap theme is normally set by bootstrap CSS to 34px.



RE: Truncated - Added by Tiaan Wessels almost 10 years ago

After some reverse engineering in Chrome object inspector, I seem to have managed to fix it by changing it to 30px on line 1074 of resources/themes/bootstrap/2/bootstrap.css

I use the following code in the constructor of my WApplication derivative:


setTheme(new WBootstrapTheme);

Is there any significance in whether you specify useStyleSheet first or setTheme first ?

However, I'm now stuck on a new spot which seems not so easy to 'fix' and that is of class Wt-spinbox. As shown in the screenshot, it is also truncated. Here is the code for both DateEdit and SpinBox:

WLabel *l;

hbox->addWidget(l = new WLabel("From:"));


ifrom = new WDateEdit;




hbox->addWidget(max = new WSpinBox);

Here is my attempt at fixing it in tstui.css:

.labels { text-align: right }

.Wt-dateedit { height: 100px; }

.Wt-spinbox { height: 100px; }

However I'm sure its not used as its not the (ridiculous) height of 100px but instead dateedit is 30px as set in bootstrap.css and spinbox is 18.12345px in the

RE: Truncated - Added by Koen Deforche almost 10 years ago


Ah, I thought you were using bootstrap version 3.

In bootstrap 2, the default height is 20px, but in bootstrap 2, one does not rely on border-box box-layout. The reason is that this is only recently supported on browsers (and bootstrap 2 is still backwards compatible with older IE versions).

I would guess you somewhere put a '* { Box-sizing: Border-box }' which is the cause of all these problems? That does not mix with bootstrap 2 CSS.



RE: Truncated - Added by Tiaan Wessels almost 10 years ago

Ok thanks. I don't have a box-sizing: border-box anywhere in my css no. However, how do I dictate which is used: 2 or 3 ?

RE: Truncated - Added by Tiaan Wessels almost 10 years ago

Sorry, could have answered my own question. Found following in examples:

