


loading js library after rendering widget

Added by egor bayanov over 5 years ago


recently began to study Wt.

There is such a problem.

When the library loads the elements of the domain it needs to load before it is rendered. Is there a way to ensure that the js file is loaded after the widget is rendered?

file is connected using the following method: Wt::WApplication::instance()->require("file.js")


Replies (4)

RE: loading js library after rendering widget - Added by lm at over 5 years ago

I'm just starting to look into running javascript from my Wt application. It looks like the section, "Invoking JavaScript or including scripts" at has everything you're wanting. It also points to javascript members of Wt::WWidget (

For instance, in your file.js, you can define a function, foo. In the Wt::WWidget you mentioned, call Wt::WWidget::doJavaScript to call the function. In the documentation of Wt::WWidget::doJavaScript, it says, "This method guarantees that the JavaScript code is only run when the corresponding DOM node (using jsRef()) resolves to a valid DOM object." which sounds like what you want.

I haven't done any of this yet, I'm just relaying some documentation to you. But I am planning to implement something like this myself.

RE: loading js library after rendering widget - Added by egor bayanov over 5 years ago

Realized in this way (Although I still think that this is a bad decision)

void funcName(Wt::WWidget* widget, std::string path){
    std::string s;

    std::ifstream ifs(path);
        s.assign((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs.rdbuf())), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
        std::cout << s;

        Wt::WApplication::instance()->declareJavaScriptFunction("foo", "function() {"+s+"}");


RE: loading js library after rendering widget - Added by lm at over 5 years ago

What do you not like about it? I'm glad you were able to make it happen; it adds hope to what I'm doing!

RE: loading js library after rendering widget - Added by Wim Dumon over 5 years ago


require() will cause the JS to be loaded synchronously, so yes, it will be loaded before doJavaScript() calls are executed.

