


Visual links between Widgets

Added by Bart AM over 12 years ago


I would like to get some visual links between widgets like this :

Thoses links must be redrawable to change destination or source.

Is this possible ?

Replies (7)

RE: Visual links between Widgets - Added by Koen Deforche over 12 years ago


If you use absolute positioning for all your widgets, then you can put your widgets overlayed on a (large) WPaintedWidget and draw the lines on this WPaintedWidget:

Create a WContainerWidget with explicit size

  • add a WPaintedWidget with explicit size, absolutely positioned (0, 0, width, height)
    -> here you draw the lines
  • add a WContainerWidget with explicit size, absoltely positioned (0, 0, width, height) and z-index 100
    -> here you draw the widgets



RE: Visual links between Widgets - Added by Bart AM over 12 years ago

Hi Koen,

I implemented your solution and it works just fine.

Thank you for your answer.



RE: Visual links between Widgets - Added by Bart AM over 12 years ago


I tryed to modify the pen with


I get a visual changement (dotted line) on IE, but the line doesnt change on Chrome / Firefox / Safari.

Is this normal ?

RE: Visual links between Widgets - Added by Wim Dumon over 12 years ago

That's because unfortunately canvas does not support dotted lines.



RE: Visual links between Widgets - Added by Bart AM over 12 years ago

Ok so there is no way to do this for now.

Thank you for your answer.



RE: Visual links between Widgets - Added by Michael Leitman about 12 years ago

I am really sorry, to resurrect this thread :-/

but as you, Koen, said "... If you use absolute positioning for all your widgets ..."

what if i positioning all of my widgets with LayoutManagers?

I tried to get the height of my widgets, but they mostly return 0 (in Pixel) because i resize them with WLength::Auto.

Is there a Way to get the Location/Size of the widgets/widgetContainers from the browser?

I attached a screenshot of what i want to do.

Layout_with_visual_link.PNG (17 KB) Layout_with_visual_link.PNG All of the widget can have dynamic size, even hidden

RE: Visual links between Widgets - Added by Wim Dumon about 12 years ago

That sounds like WWidget::setLayoutSizeAware()

This will cause client-side layout-manager induced size changes to be propagated back to the server.


